
1 Trade nameManufacturerForm

3 ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Propaquizafop100 g/L.


3.Formulation : Emulsifiable Concentrate
4.Poison Schedule : 6
6.Product Colour : Amber/Brown
7.Product Flammability : Non-Flammable Liquid.
8.Dangerous Goods Class : Not classified as dangerous goods for transport.
9.Shelf Life : 2 - 3 years (longer for granules).
10.Mixtures Compatibility : Not compatible with some spraying oils. See compatibility module.
11.Registered Crop(s) :
12.Effect of Soil Texture on Herbicide : None.
13.Effect of Soil pH on Herbicide : None.
14.Effect of Soil Organic Matter on Herbicide : None.
15.Mode of Action : Foliar translocation and contact. It is readily absorbed through the leaf surface. It is accumulated in the rhizomes and stolons of perennial grasses and the meristems of annual and perennial grasses. Post-emergent.
16.Application Timing : Post emergent.
17.Rate Variations :
18.Rates Selection : Lower rate for annual grasses. Higher rate for perennial grasses and dense swards of annual grasses.
19.Crop Damage (Crop Tolerance) : No damage when used as recommended. Caution advised when using non-recommended oils and wetters.
22.Soil Moisture at Application :
DRY - No problems.

MOIST - No problems.

WATERLOGGED - No problems so long as weeds aren't showing any signs of stress due to this waterlogging.
23.Frost Effects : If frost occurs before application, must wait for weeds to begin actively growing for best results. During application should stop application and wait for plants to begin actively growing. If plants not damaged, spray once foliage dry. After application wait for weeds to dry out on leaf surface. If weeds suffer frost damage wait till growth resumes.
24.Frost Free Days Required After Application : No set figure.
25.Effect of Application Water Quality on Herbicide :
Saline Water - No problems.

Soil Colloids - No problems.
26.Recommended Water Volume : 50 - 100 L/ha boom, 20 - 30 L/ha aircraft.
27.Nozzle Type : 110o Flat fan. Aerial application 150 - 200 microns, hollow cone designs such as Spraying Systems D8 disc or Number 45 are suitable.
28.Recommended Nozzle Pressure : 280 - 300 kPa (40.6 - 43.5 psi). To suit nozzle type to deliver greater than 50% of droplets in 150 - 200 micron size.
29.Recommended Filter Sizes : 50, 80 or 100 mesh.
30.Recommended Wetter :
31.Other Additives :
32.Rain Fastness : 1 hour.
33.Time Interval Before Effect is Noticed : 7 - 10 days.
34.Plant Symptoms : Accumulates at the growing points, both above ground and in the roots, rhizomes and stolons of grass weeds. Growing points turn brown and rot, shoot tips can be easily pulled out after 2-3 weeks. Young leaves turn yellow or redden soon after, but more mature leaves may remain green for extended periods.
35.Effect of Herbicide/Disease Interaction on Crop : Some herbicides will slow plant growth and/or reduce Correct efficacy eg. phenoxy herbicides.
36.Withholding Period :
37.Plant-Back Period : Broadleaf Crops Nil.
38.Spray Tank Clean-Up : Flush thoroughly with clean water. Use of boom cleaning products can be an advantage. Follow Du Pont recommendations for boom cleaning when using Correct after Glean, Ally or Logran.
39.Other Comments : Avoid spraying weeds under stress. This stress can be caused by such things as lack of moisture, too much water, frosts or the effects of pre-emergent herbicides. Extremely active on all grass plants at relatively low rates. Can be applied to most broadleaf crops with very little risk of crop injury. Some soil activity has been noted at higher rates of application. The degree of residual activity depends on rainfall and soil type.


Collated by HerbiGuide. For more information see or phone 08 98444064.