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1 Trade nameManufacturerForm


2.Concentration of Active Constituent : 720 g/L EPTC
3.Formulation : Emulsifiable Concentrate
4.Poison Schedule : 5
5.Trade name : Eptam - ICI
6.Product Colour : Amber
7.Product Flammability : Non-flammable.
8.Dangerous Goods Class : Not classified as dangerous good : Transport or storage.
9.Shelf Life : 36 months.
(When stored under ideal conditions- refer Page 4)
10.Mixtures Compatibility : Can be mixed with herbicides that require incorporation, eg trifluralin. Do NOT mix with insecticides or fungicides.
11.Registered Crop(s) : Rapeseed (Brassica napus varieties only), Sunflower, Safflower, Lucerne, Beans, Potatoes.
12.Effect of Soil Texture on Herbicide : Small clods through large lumps will not have Eptam incorporated in them. Weeds may germinate from within the clods unhindered.
13.Effect of Soil pH on Herbicide : None within normal agronomic ranges.
14.Effect of Soil Organic Matter on Herbicide : Excessive organic matter or trash will 'tie-up' Eptam.
15.Mode of Action : Root absorption, kills germinating weed seeds and inhibits bud development from underground portions of some perennial weeds. Pre-emergent.
16.Application Timing : Apply and incorporate prior to sowing the crop.
17.Rate Variations : 2.8 - 5.0 L/ha
18.Rates Selection : Lower rate under light soil types, eg sandy loams. Higher rate in heavier soil types, eg clays. Different rates for different crops.
19.Crop Damage (Crop Tolerance) : No problems for registered crops.
20.Effect on Crop : No problems for registered crops.
21a. Effect on Clover Species : No damage to clovers post-emergence.
22.Soil Moisture at Application :
DRY - No problems.

MOIST - No problems as long as soil still friable.

WET OR WATERLOGGED - Effective incorporation becomes impossible, so expect poor results. Eptam would not adhere to the soil and be quickly lost through evaporation/volatilisation.
23.Frost Effects : No effect before and during application. After application weed germination may be delayed resulting in lost residual time between application and weed germination.
24.Frost Free Days Required After Application : As many as possible to allow weed germination and therefore effective control.
25.Effect of Application Water Quality on Herbicide :
Saline Water - emulsion formation can be affected by hard water (1000 ppm +).

Soil Colloids - Medium to high colloidal content can reduce efficacy (greater than 1000 ppm colloids).
26.Recommended Water Volume : 100 - 700 L/ha boom
27.Nozzle Type : Flat fan, no particular requirements.
28.Recommended Nozzle Pressure : Maximum 250 kPa (36 psi).
29.Recommended Filter Sizes : 50, 80 or 100 mesh.
30.Recommended Wetter : Not required.
31.Other Additives : Not required.
32.Rain Fastness : 0 hours.
33.Time Interval Before Effect is Noticed : Normally 10 - 12 weeks residual control.
34.Effect of Herbicide/Disease Interaction on Crop : If crop seedlings are diseased they may struggle to get through Eptam in soil.
35.Withholding Period : 0 days.
36.Plant-Back Period : Non registered susceptible crops, 12 weeks (84 days).
37.Spray Tank Clean-Up : Thorough flushing with water or with commercial boom cleaning products.
38.Other Comments : When forming beds or cultivating to control late germinating weeds or weeds not susceptible, do not disc or cultivate below the Eptam incorporation depth. Avoid cultivating the treated soil after sowing and never cultivate below the depth of Eptam incorporation. Avoid throwing untreated soil onto treated soil. As clay and organic matter contents of the soil increase leaching of Eptam from the soil decreases. High temperatures at the time of application increases the volatility of Eptam.
Numbered data from "Crop Herbicide Information"

courtesy of A.J. Chambers, Vic. Dept of Food & Agric.



Collated by HerbiGuide. For more information see www.herbiguide.com.au or phone 08 98444064.