10. | Mixtures Compatibility : glyphosate, Gramoxone (paraquat), Reglone (diquat) |
11. | Registered Crop(s) : Wheat, Barley. |
12. | Effect of Soil Texture on Herbicide : Cloddy soils are unsuitable. |
13. | Effect of Soil pH on Herbicide : Unknown. |
14. | Effect of Soil Organic Matter on Herbicide : Poor incorporation and herbicide availability. |
15. | Mode of Action : Inhibits the development of cells in root tips. Root absorbed, affects seed germination and prevents seedling emergence. Pre-emergent. Doesn't control emerged weeds. |
16. | Application Timing : Conventional cultivation from 10 to just before sowing. Direct drilling from up to 5 days before sowing. |
17. | Rate Variations : 1.6 - 2.3 L/ha. |
18. | Rates Selection : Lower rate conventional cultivation. Higher rate direct drilling. |
19. | Crop Damage (Crop Tolerance) : Crops tolerate up to 1.6 L/ha. |
21. | Effect on Clover Species : Little when applied as recommended. |
22. | Soil Moisture at Application : |
DRY - Usually okay.23. | Frost Effects : Not relevant. |
24. | Frost Free Days Required After Application : Not relevant |
26. | Recommended Water Volume : 90 - 450 L/ha boom. |
27. | Nozzle Type : Flat fan. |
28. | Recommended Nozzle Pressure : 170 - 340 kPa (24.7 - 49.3 psi). |
29. | Recommended Wetter : None required. |
32. | Rain Fastness : Not applicable. Light rain following application could enhance effect. |
33. | Time Interval Before Effect is Noticed : Not applicable. |
36. | Withholding Period : Not applicable. |
37. | Plant-Back Period : Nil days for wheat and barley. |
38. | Spray Tank Clean-Up : Fresh water rinse. |
39. | Other Comments : Seed should be sown to a depth of at least 5 cm. Uniform application to soil, i.e. no strips. Apply to a weed free area. Significant wild oat control is only obtained where wild oat seed is close to the surface. |
Numbered data from "Crop Herbicide Information"