Sencor 480

1 Trade nameManufacturerForm


2.Concentration of Active Constituent : 480 g/L Metribuzin
3.Formulation : Suspension Concentrate.
4.Poison Schedule : 5
5.Trade name : Sencor 480 SC Bayer
6.Product Colour : White suspension.
7.Product Flammability : Non-flammable.
8.Dangerous Goods Class :
9.Shelf Life :
(When stored under ideal conditions- refer Page 4)
10.Mixtures Compatibility :
Metasystox (demeton-S-methyl) | on potatoes

Nitofol |

Bladex (flamprop-methyl) } on peas

Le-Mat (omethoate) }

Ally (metsulfuron-methyl) ] on wheat

Glean (chlorsulfuron) ]

Do NOT apply with Hoegrass/Nugrass (diclofop methyl)
11.Registered Crop(s) : Wheat, Barley, Peas (Field, Processing, Green). Also for the control of Noogoora Burr and Bathurst Burr near 2,4-D sensitive crops or in headlands and grazing paddocks as a spot spray.
12.Effect of Soil Texture on Herbicide : Heavier textures require higher rates of metribuzin to be used. In light sandy soils more metribuzin is available in the soil solution than in heavier clay soils: thus in light sandy soils it is more readily leached and more readily available for uptake. So use lower rates. Do NOT apply to light sandy soils low in organic matter as crop injury may occur (metribuzin is readily leached from these soils).
13.Effect of Soil pH on Herbicide : More active at higher soil pH.
Do NOT apply to soils of pH > 8 which are prone to waterlogging as crop injury may occur.

Do NOT apply to barley in alkaline soils pH over 7. As pH increases, soil adsorption decreases.
14.Effect of Soil Organic Matter on Herbicide : Higher organic matter levels require higher rates of metribuzin to be used. Do NOT apply to soils with less than (<) 0.5% organic matter as crop injury may result. As organic matter and clay content of soil increase the CEC increases, as does the adsorption of metribuzin. Therefore movement through the soil profile decreases.
15.Mode of Action : Major uptake is via the root system, some translocation. Both pre- and post-emergent.
18.Rates Selection : Lower rate light sandy soils i.e. Mallee sands. Higher rates heavy soils + clay loams + silt clay content over 60%.
19.Crop Damage (Crop Tolerance) :
Crop Growth Stage

Wheat, Barley Toad rush at 2 - 4 leaf stage.
Barley, Peas Spray within 6 weeks of sowing (8 weeks for    Vic winter crops).
Peas Up to 3 node stage.
Potatoes Emerging with the largest shoots not more     than 10 cm tall.
Lupins Tanjil, Wonga, Danja and old varieties of lupins are more sensitive to metribuzin than Gungurru and Merrit type varieties.
20.Effect on Crop : Post-emergence application, crops may show slight chlorosis or necrosis after spraying.
21.Effect on Clover Species : Not applicable. Sencor 480 SC is not tolerated by pasture legumes at rates required for either pre or post-emergence weed control in any of the crops in which it is currently
22.Soil Moisture at Application :
DRY - There is no root uptake of Sencor and grass and hogweed (wireweed) control will be poor.

MOIST - Best results if 6 - 12 mm rain falls within 2 weeks of application.

WATERLOGGED - Poor control as plants stressed, crop injury may occur if stressed.
23.Frost Effects : Prior to and after application there is a potential for crop injury or poor weed control. During application wrong climatic conditions to apply the product, otherwise no effect.
25.Effect of Application Water Quality on Herbicide :
Saline Water - No adverse effect reported.

Soil Colloids - No adverse effect reported.
26.Recommended Water Volume : 50 - 100 L/ha.
27.Nozzle Type : Flat fan (Cone nozzles NOT satisfactory).
28.Recommended Nozzle Pressure : 200 - 300 kPa (28.6 - 43.5 psi).
29.Recommended Filter Size : 100 mesh.
30.Recommended Wetter : No wetter required.
31.Other Additives : None recommended.
32.Rain Fastness : 4 - 6 hours for post-emergent weed control.
33.Time Interval Before Effect is Noticed : 7 - 30 days depending on growing conditions.
34.Effect of Herbicide/Disease Interaction on Crop : Do not treat peas post-emergent in areas or soils where collar rot, stem rot or black rot are present or are likely to occur.
35.Withholding Period : Do NOT graze or cut for stock food for 14 days after application.
36.Plant-Back Period : To minimise risk to follow-on sensitive crops such as Brassica, cucurbit, lettuce and onions, it is advisable to work land thoroughly - allow at least 6 months between application of Sencor SC and sowing of these seed crops.
37.Spray Tank Clean-Up : Thoroughly clean all traces of Sencor SC from application equipment immediately after use by flushing with clean water.
38.Other Comments : Do NOT apply on barley crops grown on alkaline, light sandy soils (pH over 7). Pre-emergence: If applied to the soil surface after sowing for pre-emergent weed control, soil must be moist to the surface and it must not be cloddy, loose, or fluffy, nor should there be residues of a previous crop on the surface. It is better to delay pre-emergence spraying after sowing until there is a good settling rain - only possible if crops are slow to germinate. Otherwise rain soon after spraying is required to activate Sencor. Post-emergence: Post emergence spraying will kill young actively growing emerged weeds through leaf uptake. Subsequent pre-emergence control of later germinating weeds will be reduced if soil is dry. Heavy rain (80 - 100 mm) after spraying on deep sandy or friable well structured soils may leach Sencor beyond the root zone thus reducing residual effect.
Numbered data from "Crop Herbicide Information"

courtesy of A.J. Chambers, Vic. Dept of Food & Agric.



Collated by HerbiGuide. For more information see or phone 08 98444064.