HerbiGuide provides information on weeds, pests and diseases in crops, pastures,
horticulture and environmental situations to help you with crop protection decisions.
It includes data on over
200 crops,
600 weeds,
120 insects and
250 diseases with solutions drawn from over
insecticide and
fungicide products, covering some 400 active
ingredients. Links within this site provide basic information and descriptions of
species and products.
The wedsite provides simple pesticide solutions and is designed for volunteers and the occasional user
who does not need the power or complexity of the professional App/Program based Herbiguide program.
If large numbers or complex solutions are required then the Professional App/Program version is recommended. a cheaper option.

The Professional version of HerbiGuide comes on as an App/Program and is installed on the
your computer. It provides unlimited pesticide solutions, more complex calcultions
such as those required for mixtures, strategies, weather adjusted rates, user prices,
compatibilities, economic models and other flexible data. It may be purchased by
clicking the
Orders & Payments tab or contacting us
via the
Contact Us tab above.